Why Become a Nurse?

There are many reasons to become a nurse, most of which begin with the desire to help and heal others. You may be in search of a higher income, more meaningful work or the security of knowing you’re always needed in your field because of the increased demand for registered nurses across the nation.

Nurses Are in High Demand

More nurses are needed than ever before to care for an ever-growing aging population of baby boomers. In 2011, that generation began turning 65. Since 2010, the 65 and older population in the U.S. has continued to grow, thanks to the large generation of aging baby boomers. Because of this rapid expansion of the senior population, health care will take an even more prominent role in future years.

CSP nursing student smiling and standing outside

Not only does this mean there will be more Americans living with chronic conditions, requiring greater levels of care, but it also means that many of the most experienced nurses will be retiring from the profession. In fact, a 2020 National Nursing Workforce Survey conducted by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing found that the average age for an RN is 52 years old, which may signal a large wave of coming retirements in the coming years.

Together, this translates into considerable demand for BSN-educated nurses. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics that the number of RNs in the U.S. will grow by around 177,400 by 2032 — which does not include the number of retiring RNs whose positions will need to be filled.

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ABSN student in skills lab

Nursing Offers a Stable Career Path

It’s also reassuring to know that the fruits of your effort will pay off. As of the Bureau’s May 2021 data, the median annual wage for RNs was $77,600; however, earnings vary from location. For example, registered nurses in places such as Oregon, California, Hawaii, District of Columbia, Alaska and New York (among others) pay well above the national average.

With a BSN, you’ll be able to choose between myriad competitive nursing specialties, such as:

  • Emergency nursing
  • Pediatric nursing
  • Surgical nursing
  • Cardiac nursing
  • Community health nursing
  • School nursing

The BSN sets you up for diverse job options, plus it also gives you the chance to pursue leadership roles in the future. You could become a nurse manager or healthcare administrator. You could also go back to school to become a nurse educator or advanced practice nurse, such as a nurse practitioner or nurse anesthetist.

Nurses Provide Quality Patient Care

Not only is nursing a desirable field because of the high demand for nurses, but nurses also have a significant impact on their patients’ care and recovery. This impact is reflected in the American Nurses Association’s Nursing Code of Ethics, which outlines some of the most important aspects of professional conduct and patient interaction as a nurse.

Nurses are expected to be patient advocates, taking note of changes in patient condition and sharing those with fellow members of the patient care team. By collaborating and speaking up for patient interests, these professionals are able to consistently ensure that patients are heard and their needs are addressed.

Additionally, information on Magnet Organizations have found that registered nurses who are part of a 100% BSN-educated workforce experience better patient outcomes, higher job satisfaction and lower rates of burnout, explaining the push for healthcare providers to require or strongly encourage all new nurses to have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. 

nursing student with child patient

Key Nursing Qualities

Being a nurse is based on a desire to help others, but also requires hard work and dedication to your profession to provide the best patient care possible. So, before you decide to pursue a BSN degree, see these important nursing qualities that go beyond what you learn in the classroom.

  • Good listening and communication skills
  • Empathy to connect to patients from all cultures and backgrounds
  • Patience to communicate and relate to patients and families undergoing stressful situations
  • Organization skills and the ability to prioritize
  • Being able to think clearly in stressful situations
  • A positive, collaborative attitude toward all aspects of patient care
  • The ability to adjust to changing day-to-day workloads and circumstances

Overall, it is important to remember that empathy and a positive attitude are often just as important as critical thinking and creative problem-solving when it comes to sharing your gifts as a nurse.

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if a nursing career is the right fit for you.